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售價:405 |
詳細資料ISBN:1740210344 叢書系列:澳洲自然生態系列 規格:平裝 / 96頁 / 普通級/ 單色印刷 / 初版 出版地:台灣 內容簡介 |
搜尋參考資料: 1. Wildlife in Australia, find and experience the animals of Australia. See images and photos of wildlife and their environment - Lonely Planet www.apex.net.au/~mhumphry/austwild.html Australia has many species of wildlife, roughly there are in excess of: 450 species of mammals, 300 species of lizards, 140 species of snakes, 2 species of crocodiles, www.bbc.co.uk/nature/places/Australia Australian wildlife. Australia's unusual fauna and flora is due to the continent having been isolated for millions of years. Continental drift tore Australia away ... wildlife-australia.com Photographs and detailed information on Australian rainforest birds, marsupials, mammals, reptiles, frogs, butterflies in Tropical North Queensland. Courtesy of ... www.wildlifeaustralia.org.au Wildlife Australia is a not-for-profit Conservation Organisation. Information Images Care and Rescue. WILDLIFE OF AUSTRALIA |
資料來源:博客來 |